luower1 发表于 2020-6-22 14:24:01

德国Lohsepark运动公园景观设计 |景观规划案例

景观建筑建筑设计城市规划设计案例—德国汉堡市有着非常丰富的传统历史人文和许多全民运动公园景观设计。直到如今,还有许多能够追溯到20世纪的早期社区仍保存完好,它们受到改革派思想的影响,提倡融入更多的光线、空气、运动以园林景观建筑规划设计及对大众教育的园林景观设计。根据汉堡Gartenkunst改革运动的推动者之一Alfred Lichtwark的说法,每一位居民居住的地方离公共空间绿地都应只有咫尺之遥。这一传统如今已成为汉堡集体记忆的一部分,时至今日,它不仅影响着这座城市规划设计的建筑设计,也影响着参与者们的期望和使用习惯。许多绿地基本是由林地或园地构成的开放设计空间:即所谓的Volkswiese或“参与者民草地”。在其基本构成上,Lohsepark延续了Volkspark的运动传统:像汉堡的城市规划设计公园景观设计或阿尔托纳的参与者民公园景观设计一样,该公园景观设计着眼于城市规划设计的未来发展,建立在“城门外”。

© Giuseppe Micciché
两端临水 From Water to Water
If you stand in the middle of Lohsepark and turn around in a circle, you will get a sense of the spatial qualities of the area. At both ends, the longitudinal axis of the open space leads to a harbor basin, bringing light, air, and sunshine into the interior of the park. The traditional transition into a Volkspark marked by allotment gardens or a stand of trees—not realized due to a lack of space—has been replaced by a terraced shift in levels. As a complement to the line of sight leading from one body of water to another, this represents the second basic motif of the park: the separation into three tiers corresponding to three semantic levels. This stepping of the site not only acts as flood protection, it also acknowledges the history of the site and meets the spatial and programmatic requirements of the new quarter, while keeping the layering of the city legible.

▼总平面图 Master Plan

© Vogt Landscape Architects▼临水的阶地园林景观设计,在起到防洪作用的同时,还表现了当地的历史,保持了城市规划设计的层次感 This stepping of the site not only acts as flood protection, it also acknowledges the history of the site and keeping the layering of the city legible.

© Vogt Landscape Architects
城市规划设计层面 The City Level
The main entrance leads via planted terraces, which act like bastions, projecting into the park as enclosed landmarks. Spatially part of the park, they mediate between the built structures of the city and the actual open space. The honeycomb clinker brickwork used for the retaining walls and parapets of the terraces, was specifically designed in an extended process. Not only does it embed the site in Hamburg’s architectural tradition, but its pleated form and perforation break up the monolithic character of the otherwise massive wall.

© Giuseppe Micciché
▼蜂窝熟料砖砌的挡土墙和露台护墙,不仅融入了汉堡的建筑设计传统,而且它的褶皱形式和穿孔也打破了原有墙体的厚重感 The honeycomb clinker brick retaining wall and parapets of the terraces, not only blend in with Hamburg’s architectural tradition, but its pleated form and perforation break up the monolithic character of the otherwise massive wall.

© Vogt Landscape Architects

© Franziska Husung/HafenCity Hamburg GmbH
公园景观设计层面 The Park Level
Lohsepark, with its spacious lawns for games and sunbathing, is 1.5 meters below the level of the streets and promenades and bordered by a rich collection of familiar-looking trees and shrubs. The park features unusual places: the so-called follies. A small grove contains hornbeams grown in quirky shapes; a piece of fenced-off “wilder-ness” shows how a fragment of landscape evolves without human intervention; and the grotto, with its layering of tamped concrete and various inclusions such as shingle, peat, and even glass, creates an unusual space for children, complementing the other play features in the park.

© Giuseppe Micciché
▼混凝土石窟,为儿童创造了一个不寻常的设计空间,补充丰富了公园景观设计的其他游戏设施 The grotto creates an unusual space for children, complementing the other play features in the park.

© Giuseppe Micciché

© Franziska Husung/HafenCity Hamburg GmbH
历史层面——纪念设计空间 The Historical Level—A Memorial
公园景观设计的最低处是精确划分的历史遗址:Hannoversche Bahnhof的建筑设计遗迹独特的视觉风格,让参与者回想起这个车站在二战期间曾是犹太参与者、辛提参与者和罗马参与者被驱逐出境的主要起点。与深地质层相似的是,该遗址位于公园景观设计地面以园林景观建筑规划设计下一米,城市规划设计地面以园林景观建筑规划设计下三米。
Lower still, precisely demarcated by a further drop in level, are the historical sites: the architectural remains of the Hannoversche Bahnhof have their own visual idiom and recall the history of the station as the main starting point for the deportation of Jews, Sinti, and Roma during World War II. Resembling a deeper geological layer, the site lies one meter below the park level and up to three meters below the city level.

© Vogt Landscape Architects
▼施工过程 Construction Process

© Vogt Landscape Architects
▼剖面图 Section

© Vogt Landscape Architects

客户:德国 汉堡 Hafencity Hamburg GmbH
景观建筑:Vogt Landscape Architects
建筑设计:Coop Himmelb(l)au,维也纳
园林景观设计/建设:2010 – 2018/2019 – 2020
Client: Hafencity Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg
Landscape: Vogt Landscape Architects
Architecture: Coop Himmelb(l)au, Vienna
Process/Realization: 2010–2018/2019–2020
Types: Park
Size: 4.7 ha
Status: Realized

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