123ARCH 发表于 2022-11-24 23:52:12


项目位于北京东北部的七棵树创意园。毗邻繁华的798艺术区,该创意园区的旧厂房中聚集多家电影与摄影工作室。 经过设计师的精心改造后,这栋双层工业厂房变身为一间创意摄影工作室。改造后的空间不仅能够满足日常的拍摄功能,上层的空间更能够为VIP客人提供社交聚会空间,从而扩展工作室的功能属性与活动范围。

Located in Qikeshu in northeast Beijing, ‘Masquerade’ is located within close proximity to the city’s thriving 798 Art Zone which is home to several movie and photography studios that are housed within old brick factories. The project sees the transformation of an existing two-storey industrial building in the district, into a photography studio. Rather than merely serving as a typical atelier for the client, the upper level has been designed to host a social meeting space for VIPs, expanding the studio’s function and activities.

▽空间示意 Diagram

设计在一定程度上保留了原始厂房特有的工业元素,同时融合了与其空间品质形成鲜明对比的新型材料,构造细节和设计元素。 全新的未来主义设计叠加原有的怀旧工业气息,共同勾勒出超现实主义的空间氛围。总体构想欲将传统的摄影工作室转换成一个“艺术画廊”,在激发使用者感官的同时,邀请他们彼此互动,提供一种鼓励探索精神的独特体验。

The design maintains the existing characteristics of the factory’s aesthetic, while incorporating materials, architectural details and design elements that contrast the original spatial qualities of the building. Collectively, the futuristic aesthetic of the new design, compliments the old industrial atmosphere, rendering a surrealistic atmosphere. The overall scheme of the transformation has been envisioned to appear as an art gallery, that while stimulating visitors’ senses, invites them to interact with one another, offering a unique experience that encourages exploration.

重新塑造的立面传承了原有建筑物的工厂属性,以现有结构比例为基础,同时融合了砖的材质。 有机的立面造型从原始平面的两端向正前方弯曲,从而形成了二层延伸出来的阳台空间,其拱形元素构成了与圆弧窗户的对话关系。表层肌理选择将红砖本身的工业质感与银漆饰面的现代气息相结合。优美圆滑的建筑外观在街道上格外引人注目,触发了观者进入室内一探究竟的好奇心。

Drawing on the existing structural framework, the remodelled façade incorporates the materiality of brick which speaks to the building’s former life as a factory. The organic surface curves away from the original façade front, forming space for a balcony that extends from the second floor, with its arched elements creating a dialogue with the domed windows. The façade has been finished with silver paint, allowing the characteristics of the brick to be visible. In this way, the polished exterior already creates visual interest at street front, offering individuals visual cues of what they can expect on the interior.


The walls of the entrance lobby are vaulted, forming a domed space whose curved framework contrasts the existing industrial ceiling which is exposed above. Their fluted surfaces reference the architectural details of classical columns. A bespoke star-shaped pendant light hangs from the center of the lobby, anchoring the space. It provides a soft light that gently illuminates the interior, welcoming visitors into its warm, bright interior.


The reception area is a white room that complements the orange entrance lobby. It features a more restrained design composed of right angles and functions as a lounge.


The photo studio is a more conventional design – a white double-height space that visually and spatially connects with the balcony of the workspace on the second floor through arched cut-outs. Curtains are used to divide the room offering functional flexibility that allows it to be used in tandem with the entrance lobby if required.

餐厅的设计容易让人联想到某些展览空间。 灯光和镜子呈现在复古的相框中,像美术馆的陈列展品一般排列在弧形墙壁上。 紧挨着餐厅的化妆室和淋浴间,处处体现出古典美学的特质。

The dining area has been conceived to evoke the feeling of an exhibition space. Lighting and mirrors are housed within classic picture frames. They are arranged along the walls, similar to an art gallery. A makeup room with a shower is located next door featuring classical details.

2F VIP休息室

The entire second floor is dedicated to VIPs, with the primary program being that of a circular-shaped lounge. The walls are covered in a luxurious fabric that has been cut into bold graphic shapes. Custom sofas that span the length of the room offer ample amounts of seating, while the eye is drawn upwards to an installation of convex traffic mirrors on the ceiling that form the focal point of the room.

2F VIP化妆间
位于二楼的VIP化妆间设有点缀在墙壁上的灯具,如繁星点点。 定制梳妆台呈现出扇贝状的边缘,让人联想起云朵的形状,与周围浮动的星光共同表现出“星际空间”的极简主义意味。

The second-floor VIP makeup room features lighting that dots the walls, like a constellation of stars. A built-in dressing table displays a scalloped edge that is reminiscent of a cloud formation, with the lighting fixture resembling a floating star, overall expressing an ‘intergalactic minimalism’.

2F VIP盥洗室
化妆室旁边是一间狭长且大于常规面积的盥洗室。 银色和反光材质为空间增添了灵感,天花上方安装的反光镜球为空间增添了另一层维度。

Next to the makeup room is a long, narrow, over-sized bathroom. The color and reflective qualities of silver serve as the inspiration for the room, with an installation of mirror balls above adding another dimension to the space.

Project Name: MASQUERADE
Architect: 123 architects
Principal / Architect / Designer: Kazushi Miyamoto (宮本一志)
Project Location: Beijing, China
Year: 2019
Built Area: 480sqm / 2 floors
Principal: Kazushi Miyamoto (宮本一志)
Project team: 曹西洋子 (project architect), 王卓群
Contractor: 北京振邦远景装饰工程有限公司
Photographer: 金伟琦
页: [1]
查看完整版本: “假面舞会”创意摄影工作室|建筑|景观